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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow in palmdale

It snowed in Palmdale, it was the most snow i have ever seen in my life.

EDIT: Okay, so this was a week before Christmas, but the pictures were on my phone and I wanted to see if I could actually post a blog from my cell phone and it worked!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

quick update

I know, I'm not doing too well updating my blog, but here's a quick update.

There's really not much to talk about, since I'm not doing anything right now. Next week I'll be going to Santa Barbara with my dad for a business trip. I’ll even have pictures for you on that one. Maybe I’ll travel a lot some day and make a travel blog. That would be cool. For now I’m stuck doing nothing, so I’ll have to find other things to write about.

Well, over and out,