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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where to Head?

As I awoke this morning, I was angry how late I had gone to bed the night before. I was having trouble waking up. I had to leave for the bus by 8:30, and it was all ready 8:10. So I decided to skip class today, it’s not that big of a deal, my teacher isn’t going to be there any way. Just as long I don’t miss any more classes, I’ll be fine. So here I am, late for the bus, and writing in my blog.

So, what is my blog going to be about? I’ve just started it yesterday, so I don’t know where I’m going quite yet. I would like to talk about everything. Some politics, some philosophy, maybe even useless facts that I know; but I should try to write about one specific subject, or at least target one specific audience. I would like to target people not unlike myself.

I am a free thinker, a skeptic, a Bright. Many of you would prefer to call me an atheist; although that does not explain my views. Atheist just means no God. I have a naturalistic worldview, free of supernatural and mystical elements. Just because I don’t believe in all that doesn’t mean I don’t like it. I love to write about the supernatural. It is my favorite subject.

I am a huge music fan; I have a spiritual connection to it. I like mostly Rock&Roll, the classics are great, but modern is cool to. I also listen to Jazz, classical and well just about everything else. Music is one of the great ways to express yourself, and have other’s feel how you feel.

I am a libertarian, which means I am not a republican, or a democrat. I sit in the middle, sometimes I swing to the far right field, and sometimes I swing to the far left field. I do think this country is in need of a great change. I don’t know if Obama will do that for us, but I’m hoping so.

I am the holder of too much useless knowledge, I don’t know why. I just know that clove cigarettes were originally for women, I know that Jim Morrison was born a year after Jimmy Hendrix, and that he died a year after Jimmy; and much more useless facts.

I’m going to start some other blogs too, there going to be fictional blogs. I’ll tell the story through the eyes of my main character.

Well, what else is there about me? I guess I’ll tell more as we go through these blogs. I hope I can catch your attention.

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